There’s no doubt that you’ve had numerous people telling you how to achieve that so-called “summer body”, but at the end of the day, good health is what it’s all about. Making a move away from unrealistic expectations is something everyone should be focusing on. As long as you’re leading a healthy lifestyle, that’s what counts. The main way to transform your life and start feeling healthier and happier? Spring clean your diet.

Many people see the start of spring as a welcome change from the cold, dry winter weather, but with the warmth and springtime breeze comes airborne pollen and mould spores, which can wreak havoc for allergy sufferers. Allergens - like pollen, dust and mould - send the body’s immune system into overdrive, leaving allergy sufferers feeling stuffy, blocked up, congested and uncomfortable.

Can you feel that? It’s warmer, brighter and the mood is lifting; spring is in the air! Many people use milestones like the start of a new season as an opportunity to reorganise and declutter their homes, garages, desks and wardrobes. As we knock on September’s door, there’s no better time to make changes in your life, so here are four classic spring cleaning tips from bsmart.

When looking back on the history of women in South Africa, one thing is very clear: their fierce determination and grit is almost palpable. Whether fighting to cast a vote alongside male counterparts, standing strong and unwavering when others don’t believe or marching against social injustice; the women of South Africa deserve to be celebrated.

“We must use time wisely and forever realise that the time is always ripe to do right.” – Nelson Mandela.

On the 18th July 2018 we celebrate 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela – former South African president and global icon. Every year on his birthday, people around the world give 67 minutes of their time doing charitable acts in his name.

“When health is absent… wealth becomes useless.” This quote from ancient Greek physician Herophilus is just as relevant today, as when it was said more than 2 000 years ago. Over the years researchers have broadly connected financial wellness and physical health, but as we live in increasingly stressful financial times, this link has grown even stronger.

The rolling blackouts of 2015 may seem like a distant memory for many South Africans, but the recent bouts of load-shedding have brought the disruptions starkly back into the spotlight. Aside from the inconvenience and cost implications, power outages have a darker side.

June is also known as Environment Month, we celebrated World Environment Day on the 5th, World Ocean Day on the 8th and World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on the 17th. It’s a month dedicated to spreading awareness about the dire state of our natural habitats. And who is the major culprit, other than humans, you ask? Plastic.